Patterns 3 – give it some personality

I designed this collection in response to a brief to use only geometric shapes, and only design on the computer with no hand-drawn lines at all. It was a really interesting exercise – I immediately wanted to draw all the shapes by hand! Whilst I like the concepts and shapes in this collection, and the colour palette in particular, I think it loses energy and personality without the hand-drawn lines.

My geometric collection, produced entirely in Illustrator. Click for bigger image

So I decided to see what would happen when I re-made some of the patterns by hand. Some of them worked much better, and interestingly some of them didn’t – straight lines are the answer sometimes it seems!

Overlapping squares

Meshed rectangles

Sketchy squares

Layered wiggles

One thought on “Patterns 3 – give it some personality

  1. Anna, I definitely agree with you! I enjoyed the geometric assignment as I learned a ton by playing with it on illustrator, however I believe I was more intrigued with what everything would look like hand drawn. I am happy to see you tried it out! Julie

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